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Christmas Advent – Storybook Countdown

Each Christmas we have a little tradition….we have 24 Christmas Books wrapped and placed under the tree. It’s our…
Christmas Advent Storybook Countdown!
Each night one of the kids gets to pick a “present” and unwrap it. Then we read it all together before bed. My kids love picking a present each night during the month of December and it is a great way to get in the Holiday Spirit.
*If you decide to start a tradition like this here are some Great Tips:

– Look for Christmas Books on sale after the Holidays. I found some great deals at local bookstores and in the mall.
-If you don’t have quite enough books and are on a tight budget go to your local library and check out a couple books that you can return when your advent is over (make sure your return date is far enough out).
-Save your Christmas Morning Wrapping Paper!! Last year our oldest daughter wrapped all of the books back up the day after Christmas using the wrapping paper from the presents we had just opened. Kids love wrapping presents!! This year all we had to do was place the presents under the tree, saves a lot of last minute wrapping (when you’re already sick of wrapping presents!)
-If you want a specific story on Christmas Eve set it aside (or mark it) or have it in a special wrapping to be opened on Christmas Eve. This is a good way to read the Christmas Story of Jesus’ Birth on Christmas Eve!
-Have fun! My kids never get sick of this tradition, we start out with the youngest opening a present on the 1st of December and work our way to the oldest. It is a great way to spend time with your little ones every evening during the Holidays!
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Hi I'm Taya! A stay-at-home mother to 5 cuties. I love to craft, sew, blog and make fun things. I'm the creator of the 'Eat-Pray-Create' blog and I'm so glad you're here!

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Hi I'm Taya! A stay-at-home mother to 5 cuties. I love to craft, sew, blog and make fun things. I'm the creator of the 'Eat-Pray-Create' blog and I'm so glad you're here!

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