You Can Do This!
You can do this….
At least that’s what I keep telling myself! Today my mom left after spending 2 weeks helping me keep my house in order, dishes done, laundry going constantly, and prepping meals for all of us…the thing is I just had a baby, #5 to be exact. That’s right I’ve now got 5 little kids running around this place. My oldest is 9, then a 7 year old, 4 year old and a soon to be 2 year old, and of course now a 2 week old. I dreaded this day…the day my mom would pack her bags and I would be faced with the reality of taking care of all of these kids on my own during the day! (My husband is home in the evenings and on the weekends of course). But the thought of getting the older 2 ready every morning, fed and on the bus in time was daunting. Along with nighttime feedings, diaper changes (for the newborn and the 2 year old), and remembering to take time to feed myself just seems like too much. I kept asking myself…can I really do this?
When I woke up this morning and looked down at my beautiful new baby I felt a peace come over me, a feeling of happiness and gratitude. Not only for the opportunity to have my mom’s help for 2 whole weeks but also for the incredible blessings in my life. Each of my kids is just that…a blessing, a special gift from God that I have been given stewardship over. And all of a sudden it didn’t seem so scary, the thought of being responsible for 5 little ones. I thought to myself “you can do this.”
Don’t get me wrong I know it won’t be easy. Right now I am battling thrush, sleeplessness, and a broken washing machine but I know that those trials won’t last forever. Yeah there may be a pile of dishes building up in my sink from here on out, or toys scattered on my living room floor and my older 2 may be eating hot lunch for another couple weeks but that’s okay. It doesn’t make me a failure or a bad mom. It makes me a mother.
So for now I will push forward with the knowledge that I CAN do this! And if you’re in a similar situation, feeling overwhelmed or doubting your capabilities just remember to have courage, God will not leave you alone in your trials. He will lift you up, He will give you strength, and you will find joy in motherhood!
We can do this!
Nana and my sweet babies!
P.S. It IS okay to cry over spilled milk! Especially that 1-1/2oz of milk you spent 45 minutes pumping from your very sore chest….ouch! (That was me last week!)

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