- Crafts, Create, Enrichment Ideas, Gift Ideas, Refashioned Clothing, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials, Young Women Ideas
Simple and Cheap DIY Extender Slips
Ever have a skirt or dress that is just a tad too short? Or maybe your legs are just really long so skirts come up too high when you’re sitting down? I know you’ve seen them before… the cute extender slips you can wear under your short skirts and dresses. But I’m here to share a little secret that will help you save money and still have your very own adorable extender slip!! Are you ready to learn how to make your own extender slip for LESS THAN $10. That’s right, you can make your own extender slips for cheap and I’m gonna show you how… So pretty! Store bought…
How to Add Sleeves to a Prom Dress
If you’ve ever had to alter a dress before you know it can be very tedious! But adding sleeves to a sleeveless dress doesn’t have to be complicated. I’ve got a simple little tutorial to share with you today on how to add a 4 inch wide sleeve to a strapless dress. Now you can add a little modesty to a dress without stress or spending a bunch of money! Here’s the before and after… Let’s get started. Here is the dress before. It has no sleeves or straps at all… First you’re gonna need fabric to make the straps/sleeves. Luckily my model was slightly shorter so there was extra…
Pocket Sized Articles of Faith Cards
I’m so excited to share these simple but cute Pocket Sized Article of Faith Reference Cards with all of you. Also included is an ‘I know my Articles of Faith’ punch card! I serve in the Primary at my church and these make a perfect gift for the children. They would also make a great gift for the Young Women in your ward. Enjoy! Download your Free Printables here…Printable Articles of Faith Cards Once you have downloaded and printed your files (you will need a pdf reader to download and view them) simply print them out on cardstock. Then cut them out using a paper cutter. Place the cards back to back and glue them…
Days for Girls
Have you ever heard of ‘Days for Girls’?? It’s a non-profit organization set up to help gather and make sanitary supplies (such as their reusable pads) for women around the world. They also help educate and serve women everywhere. They are inspiring! You can read more about ‘Days for Girls’ HERE. I have made pads and liners for ‘Days for Girls’ before and it is such a wonderful opportunity to serve and give back to those in need. My ward (church group) recently got together and helped sew and assemble kits for the Girls. I took some extra supplies home and made some extra liners whenever I had a minute to…
Wall Art Canvas Picture Tutorial
Today I want to share an easy and inexpensive DIY Canvas Picture Home Décor Idea. It turned out so cute and I’m here to show you how to make it! Wall Art Picture Canvas Tutorial I made this for a dear friend of mine for her birthday. Usually when I want to make my friends a homemade gift I simply stalk their pinterest and see what they love! I saw these FREE PRINTABLES over on Jessica Spragues’s Blog and just knew it would look great on some canvas. So I decided to make you a little tutorial on how to add a photo to canvas to make a beautiful piece of wall…
Search and Rescue – Gospel First Aid Scavenger Hunt
Last year I helped with an activity for a Priest/Laurel conference. The theme was “Search and Rescue” we wanted to give the kids a small first aid kit to keep in their purse or car. So we came up with these. Using some old prescription bottles, I cut some vinyl using my silhouette and put it on the front. We included a band aid(Good Samaritan), match(with striker glued to the inside of the cap)(Let your light shine), alcohol swab(be clean), ointment(Luke 7:37), Cotton Ball(Soft, gentle like the promptings of the spirit), rubber band(Responsive to others needs, flexible), Safety Pin(Connection with the lord), and a plastic glove(protection from the lord). We started…
- Baby Shower Ideas, Crafts, Gift Ideas, homemade children's clothing, kids craft, Refashioned Clothing, Young Women Ideas
Necklace T-Shirt
Saw this awesome idea to paint a necklace on my little girls t-shirt. You can find the tutorial HERE… and I just had to make one for my little Samantha. It is really easy to make and you can add a little fabric flower to embellish it even more! Easy to do and very cute. The only advice I would give is to put more paint than you think on each dot. The more paint the puffier the dot after you steam it. The fabric paint is called “Velveteen” written up on the top edge of the bottle of fabric paint found at the craft store. It was intermixed with all the other…
Scripture or Miniture Tote Bag
This is so simple to make!! All you need is a place mat (found this one at the $1 store) Sew the sides together then sew the corners in and trim. Add ribbon for handles and embellish. I used a fake flower with a purple button and rhinestone. Turned out so cute! The flower before completion. To view more please visit my blog!
Gardening Enrichment
So we had a Gardening Class last night for a simple enrichment activity. It was wonderful:) We got little marigold flowers donated from a local nursery and I made these cute dirt cups for the refreshment!! How fun:) To view more please visit my blog!
Tissue Flower Centerpieces!
I am busy at work with our upcoming stake enrichment/ women’s conference. We are doing a day of service projects and classes. The only thing we need centerpieces for are the food tables. Here are the 2 I have completed so far, I got this idea HERE…so cute * I used the bigger peat pots, so I didn’t stack them. Just used a little paint and some ribbon:) To view more please visit my blog!