Holidays,  Just for Fun,  Kids Activities,  kids craft,  Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day Photo Booth Ideas

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Here is a fun idea for taking adorable pictures of your kids for making Valentines, for having as decoration around the house, or just a fun activity for the kids (what kid doesn’t love to make faces and act goofy!!) Add some cute Valentine props to make it even sillier!


Just look at all that Valentine Cuteness…


Want to do a fun Valentine Photo shoot with your little ones?? Well here’s what you’ll need…


  • Fabric for backdrop (You don’t have to go buy some, get creative! You can use flat sheets, tablecloths, curtains)
  • Valentine props – this can be anything – feather boas, hearts, props (just cut some colored construction paper into glasses, mustaches, lips, hearts) you can also google ‘free photo booth props’ and find lots of great free printables, and my heart garland (found HERE).
  • Camera


-Set-up your backdrop. I usually throw some fabric over the back of a couch in my living room by a window (for natural light). You can throw down a tablecloth/fabric on the ground as well, where your kids will be sitting (If you plan on having the floor in your pictures). Add some heart garland or attach some paper hearts to the backdrop, if desired.

-Now have your kids sit in front of the backdrop and start clicking away! Believe me you are going to get some funny pictures along the way! Try to contain your laughter while taking photos of your funny kids. Have them blow kisses, hold up props, just have fun!!



-Use a photo editing software like picmonkey (which is free online!) to edit your photos or add fun words or shapes. Great for making kids Valentines!


Really the ideas are endless. You can do this for any holiday and share your pictures on facebook, with friends and family or print for valentines for your kids class. It is just so fun and you’re left with some pretty memorable pictures of your little ones! Like this one…

Feb_9_13 025

*I crack up every time I see this one! Sometimes when you tell your 2 year old to smile they like to give you their ‘mad face’. I hope you feel inspired to make some memories by taking some fun pictures of your kids during the holidays.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!

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Hi I'm Taya! A stay-at-home mother to 5 cuties. I love to craft, sew, blog and make fun things. I'm the creator of the 'Eat-Pray-Create' blog and I'm so glad you're here!

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Hi I'm Taya! A stay-at-home mother to 5 cuties. I love to craft, sew, blog and make fun things. I'm the creator of the 'Eat-Pray-Create' blog and I'm so glad you're here!


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