Cinco De Mayo,  Eat,  Food,  Recipes

Pico de Gallo Recipe

This is my absolute favorite recipe for making

Pico De Gallo

Pico de gallo is like a chunky salsa. It is so yummy! In this post I will show you step by step, with pictures, how to make pico de gallo. Come, follow along…

Pico De Gallo


  • 7-8 Roma Tomatoes
  • 1/2 a sweet onion
  • 1/4 bunch of cilantro
  • 2 tbls. lime juice
  • salt to taste


1. First cut your onion in some small slices and place in a food processor and chop. I use this small food processor…

(click on the image to see it on Amazon)

  • Once your onion is chopped, place in a medium sized bowl.

2. Next, we are going to dice our tomatoes. (My husband showed me how to chop a roma tomato!!)

  • First cut the top off the tomato and place it top down on your cutting board. Then cut it into quarters (in half then in half again).


  • Hold the top of one of the pieces and cut out the insides. (set the insides in your food processor).


  • Repeat with each section of tomato.


  • Now we are going to dice our tomatoes into little squares. Cut each quarter lengthwise first.


  • And then dice them the other way.


  • Repeat dicing your tomatoes until they are all diced. Add them to your bowl.


3.(optional) Remember the insides that your set aside? If you want your pico to be a little juicy place them in your food processor and chop them up. If you want your pico to be chunky you can skip this step.


  • Then add them to your bowl. (rinse out your food processer bowl and wipe with a paper towel before the next step).


4. Next, throw your cilantro into the food processer (make sure you dried it out after the above steps or the cilantro will stick to the sides and not chop as well). Chop up the cilantro and add to your bowl.


5. Finally add your lime juice and salt to taste, stir it all together. Enjoy with some chips!!


If you love this recipe you may also love my Guacamole Recipe….YUMM!

Guacamole Recipe 2

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Hi I'm Taya! A stay-at-home mother to 5 cuties. I love to craft, sew, blog and make fun things. I'm the creator of the 'Eat-Pray-Create' blog and I'm so glad you're here!

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Hi I'm Taya! A stay-at-home mother to 5 cuties. I love to craft, sew, blog and make fun things. I'm the creator of the 'Eat-Pray-Create' blog and I'm so glad you're here!


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