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How to make Strawberry Jam – Freezer Jam Version

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Every year I make enough Strawberry Freezer Jam to last a whole year of peanut butter and jelly sandwich making in our house! Today I wanted to show you how to make your own freezer jam using a simple and easy Strawberry Jam Recipe. I like to use the less sugar pectin and buy really ripe strawberries (or Jam Flats)  so that the sweetness is just right!

Strawberry Jam

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This is my super smooth Strawberry Jam Recipe. Because I don’t like chunky jam! If you do like it chunky just skip the “blending” step in this tutorial!

Let’s get started…

(Printable recipe card below)

What you’ll need:

  • Strawberries – I get ‘Jam Flats’ from a local berry farm or berry stand. Just ask for a jam flat and they will usually have one behind the counter, and it cheaper!! (I live in the Pacific Northwest, a flat of strawberries is about $22 and a jam flat is about $15 in 2015) – Note: 1 jam flat will make about 4 batches or 13 pints of Light Strawberry Jam or 8 batches and 22 pints of Regular Strawberry Jam.
  • Pectin – This is what makes your jam thicken up and keep well. I use Sure-jell, if you use something else make sure to follow the instructions on the packaging. (I will be showing you how to make the light (4 packs for 1 jam flat) and regular recipe (8 packs for 1 jam flat) in this tutorial)
  • Sugar – (3 cups per batch of light, 4 cups per batch of regular)
  • Water – (1 cup per batch of light, 3/4 cups per batch of regular)
  • Jars/Lids – I use pint jars (washed and dried) – 13-22 jars
  • Strawberry Stemer (optional but I love mine!!)
  • Other: Medium size pot, whisk, measuring cup, extra wide funnel.

The yellow box is regular pectin, the pink box is light…


Once you’ve gathered your supplies this is what you’ll need to do:

(We are going to start with the light sure-jell recipe)

Light Strawberry Freezer Jam Recipe:

First Wash and hull your berries.

Jam 1a Jam 2a Jam 3a Jam 4a Jam 5a Jam 6a

Then throw them in the blender and blend till smooth! I love smooth jam if you don’t just put your strawberries in a bowl and mash instead. Then measure out 4 cups berries for this batch of light strawberry jam.

Jam 7a

Jam 8a Jam 9a

Mix your sugar (3 cups) with 1 box sure-jell light(pink box) in a pot. Use a whisk while stirring in 1 cup of water.

Jam 15a Jam 16a

Bring to a boil on med/high heat. Stirring continuously. Once it’s to a rolling boil, boil for 1 minute, still stirring. Just look at the clock or set a timer.

Jam 11a

Once done add to your 4 cups smashed/blended strawberries and mix well.

Jam 12a

Fill your jars till they are about 1/2 inch from the top. Wipe rim and put on lids and rings. Leave on counter for 24 hours then freeze! You can also throw a jar in the fridge for eating right away!

Jam 13a

Jam 14a

*1 batch will yield about 3-1/4 pint jars full. If you do a jam flat you will likely get about 4 batches or 13 pint jars full.

It’s as simple as that! Just remove from freezer and thaw in the fridge when ready to use. It should last about 3-4 weeks in the fridge once opened, if its getting moldy throw it out. Sometimes the less sugar kind can spoil quicker. Mine do fine in the freezer for a year. Just make sure it isn’t spoiled before eating.

I prefer this light jam recipe because using less sugar than berries just makes sense and I love the flavor! But if you want the regular jam which is very sweet here is a little how to…

Regular Strawberry Freezer Jam Recipe:

Repeat the first couple steps from the light jam recipe above – wash and hull your berries, blend or mash, but measure out 2 cups of berries this time. Mix your 2 cups of mashed berries with 4 cups of sugar. (yes, you read that right. The regular sure-jell calls for a lot of sugar!!) Allow that to sit well mixed for 10 minutes.

Jam 17a

Then cook 3/4 cups water with 1 box regular sure-jell pectin(yellow box). Stirring with a whisk regularly on med/high heat until boiling. Then boil for 1 minute while stirring.

Jam 11a

Pour into strawberry/sugar mixture.

Jam 18a

Add to jars, leaving 1/2″ empty space at the top. Put on lids and rings and allow to set up on counter for 24 hours then freeze!

Jam 13a

*1 batch yields 2-3/4 pint jars full. If you do an entire Jam Flat you’ll end up with about 8 batches or 22 pint jars full.

Your Jam should last up to a year in the freezer and about a month in the fridge once thawed. Just make sure it hasn’t spoiled before eating it!

Now all I need is my Aunt’s homemade bread to put it on!!

Thanks for stopping by the blog today! Make sure you pin the photo for later (hover over the picture and click ‘PIN IT’).

Strawberry Jam 2a

If you love Strawberries you may also love this…

Frozen Strawberry Dessert


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Have a berry good day!


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Hi I'm Taya! A stay-at-home mother to 5 cuties. I love to craft, sew, blog and make fun things. I'm the creator of the 'Eat-Pray-Create' blog and I'm so glad you're here!

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Hi I'm Taya! A stay-at-home mother to 5 cuties. I love to craft, sew, blog and make fun things. I'm the creator of the 'Eat-Pray-Create' blog and I'm so glad you're here!

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